
16. A company collected funds for charity from employees. The amount donated by some employees on the first day is asfollows:$10, $20, $15, $100, $10, $15, $10Which measure of central tendency best represents the data? Justify your selection and then find the measure of centraltendency(SHOW WORK)

Accepted Solution

Answer: Median is the best measure of central tendency best represents the data.Value of median= 15Step-by-step explanation:The given data : $10, $20, $15, $100, $10, $15, $10.We observe that the above data has an outlier in it .$100 is an extremely large value as compare to the other values in the data.It means the data contains outlier.Commonly , mean is the best measure of the central tendency.We know that , when there is an outlier in the data , we prefer Median over Mean to measure the central tenancy of the data.So for the given data set ,Median is the best measure of central tendency best represents the data.To find median , first arrange data in an order , we get10 , 10 , 10 , 15 , 15 , 20 , 100Number of data values = 7 (odd)So Median= Middle-most number= Β 15Hence, the median of data = 15